22 January 2014

A Video

An experimental video:  "Echoes through the Galaxy"

This is a video about existentialism. The Galaxy will continue spinning as we form our strange harmonies around it and through it.


  1. I just want to comment on the originality and essence of "experimental" that your video has. You really did take your task as an experimental film producer and apply it to your tools; your two friends, their voices, and a fan. It was interesting to hear and simply amazing once realizing how you layered their voices with the distortion of the fan. The song is attractive and melancholic, but all in all, your video represented one of the strongest in terms of being experimental. I really enjoyed it and I can't wait to eel seeing your originality.

  2. Hey Joe, I would really like to hear you give more commentary about your video. I find it very intriguing but am not quite able to figure it out? Are the sounds made from the voices of the two individuals? Why did you shoot it at that angle? Visually, very little changes throughout the video, besides small body movements and the transition to the quote at the end- are there moments that you find critical/ pivotal? Most importantly, I'd like to hear you explain how the film embodies existentialism and what your definition of the word is.

  3. Reminds me very much of all of the fan music I used to make when I was a kid with a fan. Always loved playing with this sound. Also LOVED the title and how it was created on the fridge...! Very DADA.
